Understanding and Managing ADHD Symptoms
Understanding and managing the symptoms of ADHD are key to key to healing the body, mind and emotional system. This helps to release past trauma, enabling us to move forward and to enjoy life in the present. The body’s sensory system becomes regulated to reduce the stress response and promote invigoration and natural healing.
Understanding and managing the symptoms of ADHD are key to key to healing the body, mind and emotional system. This helps to release past trauma, enabling us to move forward and to enjoy life in the present. The body’s sensory system becomes regulated to reduce the stress response and promote invigoration and natural healing.
Understanding and managing the symptoms of ADHD are key to key to healing the body, mind and emotional system. This helps to release past trauma, enabling us to move forward and to enjoy life in the present. The body’s sensory system becomes regulated to reduce the stress response and promote invigoration and natural healing.
How does this help?
Our whole body is our unconscious and a reflection of our past, present and perceived future.
When someone “develops a blocking against their emotional excitations”, resulting in rigidity of the body, lack of emotional contact etc. By noticing and bringing awareness of the body into the present moment in therapy, we begin to resolve the blocked sensations.
People who are traumatised are frequently highly anxious or ‘hyperaroused’. They need tools to help them regulate and access their ‘window of tolerance’. This is a state, where you can tolerate emotions and integrate information, often associated with being engaged when you are with others.
We can focus on our regulation strategies, process past trauma to give us control and develop tools to use in moments when we feel overwhelmed.